We conduct inspections to your NDT Specifications and if you do not have any we apply ours at no extra cost to you. We have procedures for all methods.
We follow Canada Code of Conduct for NDT Personnel certified by CGSB
In Mining some NDT programs are required by OHSA. Other programs may be required by Insurance or are predictive/preventive NDT Maintenance Programs on Critical Equipment. If you do not have internal expertize to ensure compliance with all requirements give us a call. The QUICK REVIEW is FREE to see if you are on the right track.
There are key elements when it comes to selection of NDT method as it affects the costs.
Here are some examples of what needs to be properly selected:
Inspection Methods
Right Frequency
Proper Certification of Personnel
Call us @ 705.694.0991
Our Inspectors are Senior Specialists certified to Level 2 Canadian National StandardCGSB 48.9712-2014
We have more than 60 years of combined experience in Field Inspections, Program development & Management Duties.
We can help you to improve safety & reduce costs by using
nondestructive testing
Ask us how